42 Today

42 Today

Jackie Robinson and His Legacy

New collection explores Jackie Robinson’s compelling and complicated legacy  Before the United States Supreme Court ruled against segregation in public schools, and before Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat in Montgomery, Alabama, Jackie Robinson walked onto the diamond on April 15, 1947, as first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers, making history as the […]
Q&A with Christine Sun Kim

Q&A with Christine Sun Kim

With her spare line and sly, deadpan humor, Christine Sun Kim investigates sound as a physical and social phenomenon while also interrogating the cultural hierarchies in which sound operates. In her new mural for Washington University’s Kemper Art Museum, the artist and Deaf activist highlights how the weight of history and everyday experiences intertwine to affect the lives of Deaf people.
Rarities of These Lands

Rarities of These Lands

Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Dutch Republic

Over the course of the first half of the century, the northern Netherlands secured independence from the Spanish crown, and the nascent republic sought to establish its might in global trade, often by way of diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire and other Muslim powers. Central to the political and cultural identity of the Dutch […]
Porn Work

Porn Work

Sex, Labor and Late Capitalism

Every porn scene is a record of people at work. But on-camera labor is only the beginning of the story. Part labor history, part ethnography illuminating the lives of the performers who work in the medium, “Porn Work” takes readers behind the scenes to explore what porn performers think of their work and how they […]
Bolivia in the Age of Gas

Bolivia in the Age of Gas

Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first Indigenous president, won reelection three times on a leftist platform championing Indigenous rights, anti-imperialism, and Bolivian control over the country’s natural gas reserves. In Bolivia in the Age of Gas, Bret Gustafson explores how the struggle over natural gas has reshaped Bolivia, along with the rise, and ultimate fall, of the […]
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