Large, diverse and talented, Class of 2024 arrives on campus

Large, diverse and talented, Class of 2024 arrives on campus

With high hopes and bulk supplies of hand sanitizer, the Class of 2024 arrived at Washington University in St. Louis Sept. 4-6. “This is what we’ve all been waiting for,” said Nick Cloney, an Arts & Sciences student from Boston. “It may not be what we expected. But even in this altered world, we can still have those integral first-year experiences.” 
Welcoming the Class of 2024

Welcoming the Class of 2024

Across campus, students, faculty and staff are finding creative ways to welcome the Class of 2024 despite ever-evolving public health directives and university policies, said Katharine Pei, director of First Year Programs. There have been calls from WUSAs, peer mentorship programs, Spotify playlists and gooey butter cake. 
Spilling ‘Boundaries’

Spilling ‘Boundaries’

Rob Morgan, in Arts & Sciences, shares the story of how he steered the Beyond Boundaries Program — in its first cohort in 2019-2020 — to roll with the challenges of COVID-19. Embracing resiliency and creativity, Morgan and the program pivoted, creating a podcast to bridge the digital divide.

Washington University statement on presidential proclamation on Chinese students and scholars

We are deeply concerned by any action of the United States government to prevent entire segments of the academic community from traveling into the country as students, teachers, researchers and scholars. The recent presidential proclamation directed at some Chinese scholars is only the most recent example of steps this administration has taken to make it more difficult for people to come here for purposes of education and research.
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