Student speakers to honor spirit of Class of 2022

Student speakers to honor spirit of Class of 2022

Commencement student speakers Bryanna Brown, of Atlanta, and Noor Ghanam, who has lived in cities across the globe, took different journeys to Washington University in St. Louis, but on Friday, May 20, both will converge on the stage at Francis Olympic Field to address their fellow members of the Class of 2022.
Class of 2022

Class of 2022

Committed to academic excellence, service and their fellow students, the 3,400 members of the Class of 2022 have achieved so much during their years at Washington University in St. Louis — and all during a devastating pandemic. Class Acts, our annual celebration of outstanding graduates, shares the journeys and accomplishments of 13 students who exemplify the best of WashU.
Class Acts: Morgan Pfeiffer

Class Acts: Morgan Pfeiffer

Medical student Morgan Pfeiffer donated her kidney to a baby while an undergraduate student. She will earn her medical degree from Washington University this month and, next, start her residency at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
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