Stadiums don’t save cities

Stadiums don’t save cities

Large-scale redevelopment is often pitched as a strategy for reviving struggling downtowns. Yet such projects — with their acres of asphalt and tenuous connections to surrounding environs — are usually poor substitutes for the organic neighborhoods they displace, argues Patty Heyda, an associate professor of urban design at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.
New course promotes open dialogue, freedom of speech

New course promotes open dialogue, freedom of speech

In our highly polarized world, students often struggle to navigate tough conversations and engage with viewpoints that challenge their own, says Anna Gonzalez, vice chancellor for student affairs. That is why Washington University is introducing “Dialogue Across Difference,” an eight-week course that teaches undergraduate students how to explore difficult topics such as politics, religion, race, gender and socioeconomic identity in a positive and productive way. 
Garland Allen, professor emeritus of biology, 86

Garland Allen, professor emeritus of biology, 86

Garland (“Gar”) Edward Allen III, a professor emeritus of biology in Arts & Sciences, died peacefully in Palm Springs, Calif., Feb. 10. He was widely known for his work in the history of genetics and was an international leader on the history of eugenics.
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