Looking up

Looking up

After surviving an unprecedented WashU experience, the Class of 2022 was lauded for its resilience as it celebrated Commencement May 20. Graduates got their diplomas — and a daylong celebration punctuated by a festival that stretched across campus.

Mass spectrometry center opens on Medical Campus

The Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center (MTAC) has opened at the McDonnell Genome Institute on the Medical Campus. The MTAC offers proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and spatial omics services to help researchers answer questions in basic, translational and clinical research.
Yang wins German research award

Yang wins German research award

The McKelvey School of Engineering’s Lan Yang has been selected to receive the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award. Given by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the award recognizes distinguished scientists in any discipline.
Campus is ready to celebrate

Campus is ready to celebrate

Washington University’s 161st Commencement ceremony, celebrating the approximately 3,800 undergraduate, graduate and professional students earning degrees, begins at 9 a.m. today in its new location on Francis Olympic Field. And for the first time, the ceremony will be followed by a Commencement festival. Mae Jemison, MD, the first woman of color to become a NASA astronaut and to travel into space, will deliver the Commencement address.
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