Family care resources for faculty, staff

Family care resources for faculty, staff

Washington University in St. Louis remains committed to supporting faculty and staff as they continue to manage their work-life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department of Human Resources recently opened an online portal that outlines the scope of the university’s employee benefits, including child care, elder care and also self-care.
Take Control of Your Job Search!

Take Control of Your Job Search!

10 Emotions You Must Master to Land the Job

A job search may require more than just a good resume and strong interviewing skills. Alumna Lauren Herring teaches the emotional intelligence required to master the job search.
Having a higher purpose promotes happiness, lowers stress, survey finds

Having a higher purpose promotes happiness, lowers stress, survey finds

Having a personal higher purpose promotes well-being, more happiness and even lower stress from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to findings from a new survey by two Washington University in St. Louis researchers from Olin Business School. Also, employees of organizations with higher-purpose statements are happier and prouder of their organizations than are employees at workplaces without a statement, the results show.
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