Invite consumers to pop-up, and pop goes the spending — offline and online

Invite consumers to pop-up, and pop goes the spending — offline and online

Two Washington University in St. Louis researchers, along with a former fellow Olin Business School faculty member and Alibaba officials, flipped the pop-up business model, and possibly more. The co-authors found that inviting potential customers via text message could increase buying with both a pop-up shop retailer and similar product vendors online … for weeks and months to come.
The Economics of Higher Purpose

The Economics of Higher Purpose

Eight Counterintuitive Steps For Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization

Two distinguished scholars offer eight steps to help organizations discover and embrace an authentic higher purpose–something that will dramatically improve every aspect of any enterprise, including the bottom line.
Could 2018 tariff impact been foreseen?

Could 2018 tariff impact been foreseen?

Researchers from Olin Business School explore the complexity of tariffs as a trade tool in a global economy in a new paper. The research also establishes a supply chain model to explain those effects. The model proposes that, in some cases, the effects were foreseeable when accounting for strategic multi-party interactions and competition.
Computer-simulated soybeans

Computer-simulated soybeans

Where machine learning meets spring planting and big data intersects with farming big and small, two Olin Business School researchers have devised a computational model so farmers and seedmakers could take the guesswork out of which particular variety of, say, soybean to plant each year.
Retail giants Dick’s, Walmart regulate where politicians won’t

Retail giants Dick’s, Walmart regulate where politicians won’t

Two U.S. retailers made moves this week to regulate their gun sales based on principle — moves that legislators failed to make in recent years despite public outcry following each incident in a line of mass-shooting tragedies. A pair of Washington University in St. Louis experts say that these actions represent “an expansion of corporate social responsibility,” even if the retailers financially may suffer amid something of a consumer backlash.
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