Olin professor leads study on first impressions
You do get a second chance to make a first impression, thanks to the fact that any given day is full of firsts: First day of school, first day on the job, first day back after vacation. That’s the finding of a new study on forming impressions
led by Robyn A. LeBoeuf, PhD, associate professor of marketing at Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. “By connecting an everyday experience to a first – even an unrelated first – you can turn that experience into a first experience,” LeBoeuf said.
Want to kill creativity of women in teams? Fire up the competition
Women tend to outperform men when it comes to collaboration and creativity in small working groups, but force teams to go head to head in highly competitive environments and the benefits of a female approach are soon reversed, suggests new research from Washington University in St. Louis.
Business professor announces ranking of nation’s most innovative companies
The CNBC RQ50 ranking is based on the research quotient (RQ), developed by Anne Marie Knott, PhD, professor of strategy at Washington University in St. Louis’ Olin Business School. RQ is a measure of firms’ research and development (R&D) productivity. It captures the expected increase in revenue from a 1 percent increase in R&D.
Olin teams up with Human Rights Campaign to host LGBT workplace inclusion conference
Olin Business School and the Human Rights Campaign — the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans — will host an LGBT Workplace Inclusion Conference from 8:30 a.m.-noon Thursday, Aug. 14. The conference will take place in Bauer Hall, Room 240.
Wash U Expert: High stock prices, low interest rates cause uptick in corporate tax inversions
The United States has the highest corporate income tax rate in the developed world. As
a result, many U.S. companies are turning to tax inversions —
reincorporating overseas by getting acquired by a smaller company in a
country where the corporate tax rate is lower. Adam Rosenzweig, JD, professor of law and expert on international tax, examines why inversions are becoming so popular.
Wash U Expert: States should have some power over criminal laws of marijuana
A bill introduced July 28 in the U.S. House of
Representatives would amend the controlled substances act – the federal
law that criminalizes marijuana – to exempt plants with an extremely low
level of THC, the part of marijuana that makes users high. Following closely on the heels of a call by the New York Times editorial board for the federal government to legalize marijuana, this could mark a turning point of sorts in the campaign for legalization. Gregory
P. Magarian, professor of law, sees two reasons for leaving states with some power over the criminal law of marijuana.
School of Law announces online Master of Legal Studies degree
The Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, in partnership with 2U Inc., has
announced the launch of a new, fully online Master of Legal Studies
(MLS) degree. The new degree is
designed for non-lawyers seeking to expand their career opportunities by
gaining an in-depth understanding of the U.S. legal system. The MLS
curriculum will provide students with a solid foundation in legal
analysis and the practical applications of the law, furthering their
ability to think and communicate critically across a range of industries
and professions.
Federal regulatory spending rises most at agencies funded by industry fees
While tight budgets are constraining regulatory spending at many federal agencies, those that garner funding from industry fees are using these revenue streams to fund substantial increases in regulatory programs and staffing, according to an annual
report that examines the U.S. budget. The report was released by the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government and Public Policy at Washington University in St. Louis and the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center.
First U.S.-India joint EMBA program announced
WUSTL and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay have announced a joint Executive MBA program aimed at the international executive. The new program is the first of its kind to confer an MBA degree from both an Indian and an American university and will be modeled after WUSTL’s highly ranked Executive MBA in China and the United States.
‘Hobby Lobby’ decision will have far-reaching effects, unintended consequences
Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case is the corporate equivalent of the road to Damascus, says Elizabeth Sepper, JD, associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. “Many more corporations will find religion to opt out of regulation that affects their bottom line,” Sepper says. “Before Hobby Lobby, businesses lost claims to fire pregnant women, refuse to promote non-Christians, discriminate against gays, and pay below the minimum wage. “After Hobby Lobby, they seem likely to succeed.”
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