Wanted: Board of directors’ member with bankruptcy experience

Wanted: Board of directors’ member with bankruptcy experience

Olin Business School researchers were part of a team that learned firms take more risks after a member of their board of directors undergoes a bankruptcy at another firm where they serve as a director. The co-authors discovered such risk-taking usually occurs when this particular director both experienced a quick, less-costly bankruptcy elsewhere and serves in a position of greater influence.
Home inequity: Study finds income, job rut for millions in U.S.

Home inequity: Study finds income, job rut for millions in U.S.

At a time when evictions and mortgage defaults have been likened to an oncoming tsunami across America, a big-data study of loan-to-value ratios in the wake of the 2007-08 recession carries a cautionary forecast for vexing economic weather ahead: The higher a worker’s outstanding mortgage relative to their home value, the worse their future income growth and job mobility.
Having a higher purpose promotes happiness, lowers stress, survey finds

Having a higher purpose promotes happiness, lowers stress, survey finds

Having a personal higher purpose promotes well-being, more happiness and even lower stress from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to findings from a new survey by two Washington University in St. Louis researchers from Olin Business School. Also, employees of organizations with higher-purpose statements are happier and prouder of their organizations than are employees at workplaces without a statement, the results show.
CFPB, despite ruling, will blow with presidential wind

CFPB, despite ruling, will blow with presidential wind

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling June 29 won’t alter the fledgling Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because it already morphed during the first decade of its existence to where it falls under the philosophical whim of each presidential administration, says an Olin Business School scientist at Washington University in St. Louis.
Federal package ‘not enough’

Federal package ‘not enough’

The $2 trillion plan to prop up a pandemic-reeling United States, amid the news that there were 3.3 million unemployment claims lodged in the previous week, is expected to pass the House on March 27. An array of Washington University in St. Louis experts offer perspectives on the plan.
Handing out checks gives ‘no overall economic benefit’

Handing out checks gives ‘no overall economic benefit’

The U.S. Senate, with significant prodding from the Trump administration, is working on a plan to directly provide cash assistance to millions of Americans amid the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts in economics and finance from Washington University in St. Louis’ Olin Business School weigh in on how it could help housing and households and maybe pay some bills — but still not answer the problems at hand.
Recessions, like earthquakes, are impossible to predict confidently

Recessions, like earthquakes, are impossible to predict confidently

Some economic observers continue to warn about signs of a potential U.S. recession. Glenn MacDonald, the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and Strategy at Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, says many signs aren’t particularly reliable — but keep an eye on housing starts.
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