Sam Fox School, AIA St. Louis announce ‘Care,’ 2023 Steedman competition
Architecture shelters and protects. But what if architecture also tended to the health of society and of the planet? That’s the question posed by “Care,” the 2023 James Harrison Steedman Fellowship in Architecture biennial research competition.
Himes wins Black Theatre Network Lifetime Award
Ron Himes, the Henry E. Hampton, Jr. Artist-in-Residence in the Performing Arts Department in Arts & Sciences, will receive the Black Theatre Network Lifetime Award during the organization’s 2023 national conference.
Nell Plants a Tree
A picture book that shows how one little girl’s careful tending of a pecan tree creates the living center of a loving, intergenerational Black family. Before her grandchildren climbed the towering tree, explored its secret nests, raced to its sturdy trunk, read in its cool shade, or made pies with its pecans… Nell buried a […]
Raising twins in a gender-bending world
Kate (Epstein) Mankoff, LA93, who writes under the name of Kate Brookes, has the story of a family in transition. Transister is not a prescriptive narrative but an affirming one, a raw honest, sometimes humorous account of a mother’s journey as her young child grapples with gender identity and becomes her authentic self. Brookes has […]
The poems of Marie Baléo, LA ’10, articulate dignity, admiration, and a profound kinship for Beirut, Lebanon. On September1, 2003, Baléo’s family moved to this vibrant city for work. Submersion is a subtle love letter exquisitely expressed in lyrical and narrative verse. Experiencing this new country while coming of age, Baleo’s poetry bears witness to […]
The Good Ones
Polly Stewart, who also writes under the name Mary Stewart Atwell, MFA ’02, Phil ’13, has penned an engrossing work of literary suspense that illuminates the push and pull of female friendship and the costs of being good when the rules for women begin to chafe.
Counterpublic 2023
More than two-dozen artists, collectives and community organizers — many with WashU connections — are featured in Counterpublic 2023, the acclaimed public art triennial now on view at sites around St. Louis.
Sam Fox School names Samuels interim director of architecture
Linda C. Samuels, a professor of urban design in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, will serve as interim director of the Sam Fox School’s College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design for the 2023-24 academic year. Samuels’ appointment is effective Aug. 1.
An 80-year odyssey of repatriation and repair
Jewish books stolen by Nazis during World War II are returned to Prague — by way of Washington University Libraries.
What your ‘likes,’ posts really say about you
Psychology researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have created the Social Media Use Scale, which groups social media use into four broad categories and offers insights about personality and behavior traits.
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