Similarities found in cancer initiation in kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas

Similarities found in cancer initiation in kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas

School of Medicine researchers have found that when mature cells transition to begin dividing again, they all seem to do it the same way, regardless of what organ those cells come from. These older cells may be dangerous because when they revert to stem cell-like behavior, they carry with them all the potential cancer-causing mutations that have accumulated during their lifespans.
A new tool to study Huntington’s disease

A new tool to study Huntington’s disease

Scientists at the School of Medicine have transformed skin cells from patients with Huntington’s disease into the type of brain cell affected by the disorder. This offers a new tool to study the degenerative and eventually fatal neurological condition.
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. commits $10 million to drug development

Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. commits $10 million to drug development

The School of Medicine is joining with Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co. (SPARC) to support new drug development through the university’s Center for Drug Discovery and the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship. SPARC will provide $10 million to fund the Skandalaris Center’s LEAP Inventor Challenge and provide drug development expertise to researchers pursuing the commercialization of new pharmaceuticals.
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