Religion & Politics editor Stanley receives AAAS reporters award
Tiffany Stanley, managing editor of the online news journal of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics, is one of four journalists selected to receive the 2016 Science for Religion Reporters Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Martin’s book honored by American Society of Church History
A book by Lerone Martin, assistant professor of religion and politics in the Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, has been awarded the prestigious Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church History (ASCH).
Q&A: Adia Harvey Wingfield on sociology, women and the path ahead
Adia Harvey Wingfield, professor of sociology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, recently was elected president of Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), a national organization dedicated to improving the social position of women through feminist sociological research and writing. She discusses her plans for SWS, sociology and gender research, and why academics need to engage in public discourse.
Misinformation may improve event recall, study finds
Research on eyewitness testimony has shown that false details put forth during an interrogation can lead some people to develop vivid memories of events that never happened. While this “false memory” phenomenon is alive and well, new research suggests that a bit of misinformation also has potential to improve our memories of past events — at least under certain circumstances.
Reason you’re late may vary with age
A song is just a song, but as time goes by, something as random as a song’s length could be the difference in whether you miss an important deadline or arrive late for an appointment, suggests time-management research from Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Republican push for REINS Act could backfire, says congressional expert
Conservative columnist George Will is encouraging Republicans to have the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act passed through the U.S. Congress and ready for Donald Trump’s signature on his first day in office.
While some see the REINS Act as a way for Congress to reassert its power to control the regulatory rulemaking process, an immediate push for its passage could force the first big battle over Democrats’ use of the filibuster and make it more complicated for Republicans to repeal Obamacare, says Steven S. Smith, a congressional expert at Washington University in St. Louis.
WashU Expert: Trump victory shows racial justice movement needs better storytellers
Striking racial divides in the 2016 election serve as a reminder that racially charged narratives still have a powerful hold on the American mindset. If the left is to compete in future elections, it must learn to tell competing narratives that build coalitions around racial justice, says political scholar Clarissa Hayward.
WashU Expert: Religious voters may have seen Trump as lesser of two evils
Donald Trump’s surprising success with Mormon, Catholic and evangelical Christian voters can best be explained by the deep distrust that these groups have for Hillary Clinton, suggests R. Marie Griffith, director of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics.
How the chicken crossed the Red Sea
The discarded bone of a chicken leg, still etched with teeth marks from a dinner thousands of years ago, provides some of the oldest known physical evidence for the introduction of domesticated chickens to the continent of Africa, research from Washington University in St. Louis has confirmed.
Mental illness genetically linked to drug use and misuse, study finds
If mental illness runs in your family, your genetic makeup may also make you more likely to use drugs and alcohol, suggests new research from Washington University in St. Louis.
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