School of Medicine 2013 commencement activities
Thursday, May 16 The School of Medicine is hosting a reception for graduates and their families and guests from 5-7 p.m. May 16 in the Atrium/Hearth of the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC). The FLTC is located on the School of Medicine campus at 520 S. Euclid. Surface parking is available on McKinley Avenue […]
Safer Passage
Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD, assisted by scrub technician Tinika Noldin, uses an endoscope to examine a pituitary tumor. On the monitor: a pituitary gland. Richard A. Chole, MD, PhD, was in his home workshop, and the sparks were flying. Chole is an ear, nose and throat specialist and surgeon. But on this day he […]
Dedicated: BJC Institute of Health at Washington University School of Medicine
The BJC Institute of Health at Washington University School of Medicine was dedicated in June, amid a celebration featuring U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, and artist Maya Lin.
Critical differences count
Adapting Sanov’s theorem resulted in a more efficient variation-finder. A major motivation behind the $3 billion project to decode the human genome was that it would enable scientists to sift through the sequence of letters that make up DNA to find common changes that predispose individuals to common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s. […]
Gifts of a well-flavored man
The three witches on the stormy heath had no trouble foretelling Macbeth’s kingly future. But seven or eight decades ago, those hags would have had a harder time choosing one storyline for a young Lawrence Kahn. He had a rich and complex life ahead of him.
Scratching the surface
Zhou-Feng Chen, PhD As native St. Louisan and baseball philosopher Yogi Berra once said: “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Although he never heard Berra’s famous “Yogi-isms” while growing up in China, Zhou-Feng Chen, PhD, has followed the former catcher’s sage advice anyway. Chen decided that if he wanted to learn whether an […]
Fetal Care Center opens to treat high-risk births
The new Fetal Care Center at Washington University Medical Center taps into medical and surgical services from the School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s maternity center and St. Louis Children’s Hospital neonatal intensive-care unit. The center also is the only comprehensive facility in the Midwest that offers advanced fetal diagnostics, fetal surgical interventions before and after […]
Imaging sheds light on multiple sclerosis
Seeing inside: This whole-body MRI scanner, designed for clinical and research applications, offers high-resolution imaging of large anatomical areas and eliminates the need for patient repositioning during a scan. Members of the research team include Robert T. Naismith, MD, Anne H. Cross, MD, Sheng-Kwei (Victor) Song, PhD, and Robyn S. Klein, MD, PhD. More than […]
Washington University, St. Jude team to unravel genetic basis of childhood cancers
Washington University School of Medicine and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital announced in a Jan. 25 news conference in Washington, D.C., an unprecedented effort to identify the genetic changes that give rise to some of the world’s deadliest childhood cancers.
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