Negotiation as a Martial Art

Techniques to Master the Art of Human Exchange

In his latest book, Steven “Cash” Nickerson, JD ’85, MBA ’93, teaches how to become a better negotiator. It’s a skill everyone uses almost everyday but it is not regularly formally taught. “We consider it something that we have to just learn by doing it. And it is true that trial and error is the basic teacher of negotiation,” Nickerson writes. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Negotiation involves a lot of skills like storytelling, humor, language, and active listening. This book can help sharpen those skills so navigating a negotiation is a little easier next time.

Nickerson draws upon principles of martial arts to teach how to master the craft of negotiation. It’s not about being a bully or approaching people as opponents. Going into negotiations with a win-lose mentality will guarantee friction. Instead, these tactics teach how to make every negotiation a successful win-win.