Election day offers antidote to Trump

Henry Schvey, professor of drama and comparative literature in Arts & Sciences


Over the past two years, the list of degrading and immoral acts has been seemingly endless, but there is one common denominator: the divisive presidency of Trump. Under his watch, Trump has not only abrogated moral leadership, he has encouraged the dismantling of our laws on international human rights and lessened respect for simple human decency.

Trump’s presidency and his brazen willingness to employ racist, white supremacist and anti-Semitic dog whistles to consolidate and energize his base, has degraded our national discourse in unprecedented ways.

However, a possible remedy is available on election day, Nov. 6. It is up to every rational, fair-minded American to wake up and realize the profound seriousness of what is at stake for Jews and non-Jews alike. This is not the time for equal-opportunity blaming, pretending that it doesn’t matter which party is in power. It is time to act in support of our core values as Jewish Americans. The case is clear: This current administration is an abomination and an assault on our continued survival as a democracy.

Read the full piece in the St. Louis Jewish Light.