Quoted: Hold That Thought

These quotes are from Hold That Thought, a podcast produced by Arts & Sciences, where in 15 minutes you can learn about the allure of Shakespeare, the most attractive personality traits or the secrets stored in rocks. Check it out on Soundcloud, Stitcher, PRX, iTunes or thought.artsci.wustl.edu

The Blues
“For several decades … the tent shows were a huge entertainment form. They were largely [staged by] all-black companies . And they had the blues. In these huge tents … a new sound was coming to life.”
— Paige McGinley, assistant professor of performing arts, in “Staging the Blues:
The Ma Rainey Story”

“Labor unions brought working people into the political sphere. Now we’re in a situation where organized labor has vastly declined in its ability to do that.”
— Jake Rosenfeld, associate professor of sociology, in “Right to Work? Unions & Income Inequality”

“It’s the No. 1 reason that children miss school. It is a chronic condition. … And statistics do show that asthma disproportionately impacts poor and minority children in urban centers.
— Kelly Harris, doctoral student in education, on what inspired her to use Geographic Information Systems to map “hotspots” of childhood asthma in St. Louis in “Mapping Asthma: The Geography of Inequality”

“As soon as I saw this … there was no doubt that we have an authentic Michelangelo document in our library. It was completely unknown — or completely unpublished — at that time.”
— William Wallace, the Barbara Murphy Bryant Distinguished Professor of Art History, in “The Many Lives of Michelangelo”


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