Odom, Wencewicz win Young Investigator Awards for study of infectious diseases

Audrey Odom photo

Audrey Odom, MD, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics and of molecular microbiology in the School of Medicine, and Timothy Wencewicz, assistant professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences, both of Washington University in St. Louis, are the recipients of inaugural ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Awards.

Wencewicz. James Byard/WUSTL Photos

The award is given to early-career researchers who have made significant contributions to the field of infectious diseases. They were honored at a symposium Aug. 23 at the American Chemical Society’s fall national meeting in Philadelphia.

Odom’s National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded laboratory studies metabolism of the malaria parasite with the goal of developing new malaria therapies and diagnostics.

The Wencewicz lab performs research on antibiotic drug discovery, natural product biosynthesis and siderophore-mediated iron acquisition in pathogenic bacteria.