Students urged to sign up as organ donors

12805855_1998534827038778_3571814130338954656_nStudents can take a simple step this week to save lives: sign up to be organ donors, said Sara Miller, Student Organ Donation Advocates (SODA) president.

Miller is urging Washington University in St. Louis students and community members to go online and participate in College Organ Donation Registration Day. SODA hopes to register 1,000 organ donors by April 20. The Washington University effort is part of a national campaign organized by Donate Life America.

Miller, who is studying health care management, knows firsthand the power of transplants. Her sister Laura died when she was 14 of a brain tumor. Her liver saved the life of a teacher in New York.

“Meeting the recipient has been an inspiration for me,” Miller said. “I know the impact registering can make.”