Why I’m still confident about ‘Confident Pluralism’

John Inazu standing by windowJohn Inazu, the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion


Two years ago, I published a book called “Confident Pluralism.” In it, I argue that living together across our differences in this country must begin by acknowledging the depth of those differences. And our differences are indeed deep: We lack agreement about the purpose of our country, the nature of the common good, and the meaning of human flourishing.

These differences affect not only what we think but also how we think and how we see the world. Pluralism, the fact of our differences, is a fact of our world.The deep divisions in our society are not going away.

But in the midst of our differences, Christians can model tolerance, patience, and humility with our neighbors. We can bear witness to the faith, hope and love of the gospel. We can be confident in our own beliefs as we engage charitably in a world of difference.

Read the full piece at Christianity Today.