Eclipse tidbits


1. How to watch an eclipse? Don’t look unless you have approved eyewear. Not even telescopes, binoculars, cameras or sunglasses will help. The sun in this equation can cause permanent damage or even blindness… without you even knowing that it’s happening, according to Washington University School of Medicine specialists.
2. How to make a special viewer? Without eyewear, follow directions for to create a Pinhole Projector or other tips provided by such sites as or
3. Look through international standard ISO 12312-2 glasses. There have been recalls: Experts advise people to check online for updates.
4. Teach your children well. Never look at the sun, period! Unless during those few moments of full eclipse in the path of totality, it’s unsafe to look without proper eyewear or filters. 
5. Enjoy the rare event. In totality. Or not.