Internationally recognized graffiti artists associated with the nonprofit Artists 4 Israel came to Washington University April 19, 2016. Students joined the artists in painting a mural outside the Danforth University Center connecting the campus community to Israel. The activity was part of IFest, an annual, campuswide Israel celebration hosted by WashU Students for Israel and Hillel at Washington University. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)
Two-dozen interdisclipinary teams gathered at Cortex April 25, 2016, to present their products during Demo Day. The event was presented by IDEA Labs, a Washington University student initiative designed to bring students together to solve pressing medical issues. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)
Robert Langer, Institute Professor at MIT, addresses the crowd gathered at IDEA Labs’ Demo Day. Langer, a highly celebrated researcher and scientist, spoke to the audience about startups and entrepreneurship. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)
The School of Engineering & Applied Science held its Biomedical Engineering Day April 26, 2016. The Frank & Grace Yin Distinguished Lectureship in Biomedical Engineering featured MIT’s Robert Langer (center, flanked by Frank and Grace Yin). Langer delivered an address titled “Biomaterials and biotechnology: From the discovery of the first angiogenesis inhibitors to the development of controlled drug delivery systems and the foundation of tissue engineering.” (Photo: Whitney Curtis/Washington University)
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens signs books and other materials in Anheuser-Busch Hall’s Crowder Courtyard April 25, 2016. (Photo: Mary Butkus/Washington University)
John Paul Stevens, who retired from the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, gave an Assembly Series address April 25, 2016, to a capacity crowd in Graham Chapel. He spoke about fellow Justice Antonin Scalia, who died earlier this year. Joining him for a discussion were (from left) the School of Law’s Dean Nancy Staudt; Greg Magarian and David Konig. (Photo: Mary Butkus/Washington University)
William F. Tate, dean of The Graduate School, presents Betul Demirkaya, a fifth-year PhD student in the Department of Political Science in Arts & Sciences, with The Graduate School’s Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Demirkaya was one of seven teaching assistants recognized for exemplary performance during an April 21 ceremony in the Women’s Building Formal Lounge. For more about the winners and the award, visit (Photo: Whitney Curtis/Washington University)
Edward F. Lawlor (center), dean of the Brown School, shares a laugh with Debra Haire Joshu (right), the Joyce Wood Professor at the Brown School, during an April 20 event celebrating Lawlor’s career. Lawlor is stepping down as dean this summer after 12 years in the role. For more, visit
(Photo: Jerry Naunheim Jr./Washington University)
Students enjoy the annual Holi festival, often called the festival of colors, held on the South 40 area of campus April 22, 2016, and hosted by Ashoka, Washington University’s South Asian Cultural Group. (Photo: James Byard/Washington University)