Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

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Thursday Nights at the Museum: ‘Our children before the hashtag’

5–8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8



WashU employee on-site health screening event

8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13

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WashU in the News

A poet who considers timeless topics, and finds ways to make them new

the new york times

The issues of no-fault divorce, a target of JD Vance and conservatives

The Washington Post

New blood tests can help diagnose Alzheimer’s. Are doctors ready for what’s next?

National public radio

‘Radical Atlas’ is graphic depiction of Ferguson disparity

St. Louis Post-Dipatch

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Campus and community news


‘How authenticity and self-disclosure fit into psychiatric care’

Researcher Hannah Szlyk, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine, said the profession has shifted to allowing counselors to share personal details with patients. “Authenticity encourages provider-patient trust, something that many health care systems are in short supply of today,” she writes.

Medpage today

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Who Knew WashU?

Question: The WashU women’s outdoor track-and-field team won the Division III national championship in May. How many NCAA team championships, across sports, has WashU now achieved?

A) 8B) 13C) 17D) 25

Submit your answer 

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