Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023

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2022: the year in video

Innovative discoveries, interesting students and inspiring speakers were all captured on video at WashU. Here, The Source looks back at some of the highlights of 2022.

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2022: the year in video

WashU in the News

Prosecutors battle over whether Lamar Johnson’s sentence was a wrongful conviction

National Public Radio

CAR T therapy, a promising new therapy for multiple sclerosis?


Trial in shooting of Megan Thee Stallion exposes misogynoir

The Associated Press

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Campus and community news


‘Are Twitter’s troubles the beginning of the end of social media?’

Ian Bogost, the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor, takes part in an episode of the New Republic podcast “The Politics of Everything” to discuss the tumult at Twitter and why we should welcome the end of social media.

The New Republic

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In memoriam