Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

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To boost gender diversity on corporate boards, investor pressure works


Is your house making you sick?


Opinion: That blockbuster Alzheimer’s drug? It’s not a cure


The mystery of the mimic plant


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A look at Algerian anonymity

Lacy Murphy, a graduate student fellow in the Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences, explores why Americans know so little about Algeria and why the country may mistrust Western nations. But, Murphy said, Algeria plays an important role in global politics and is among Africa’s most advanced in counterterrorism and global energy.

Center for the Humanities

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Who Knew WashU?

Question: WashU is celebrating the centennial of Arthur Holly Compton’s groundbreaking discovery that light has both wave and particle properties, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1927. What scientific field followed as a result of his research?

Answer: D) Quantum mechanics. Read more about the “Compton effect” in the latest digital issue of Washington Magazine.

Congrats to this week’s winner, Nannette Vaughn, who works in Human Resources and will receive an “I Knew WashU” luggage tag!