Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Friday, Dec. 16, 2022

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WashU in the News

After a frantic year, it’s time for ‘Slow Birding’

The New York Times

Exercise, mindfulness may not boost seniors’ thinking, memory

U.S. News & WOrld Report | Healthday

Two years after COVID vaccines rolled out, researchers are calling for newer, better options

NBC News

TikTok told me to adopt a pigeon

The Atlantic

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‘Arthur Compton and the mysteries of light’

For nearly 20 years, Einstein’s quantum theory of light was disputed on the basis that light was a wave. In 1922, Arthur Holly Compton’s X-ray scattering experiment proved light’s dual nature, writes Arts & Sciences’ Erik Henriksen.

Physics Today

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Who Knew WashU?

Question: In a season of gift giving, which of these products can you buy from a WashU entrepreneur?

Answer: D) All of the above. Find games, foods, fabrics and more unique items and services created by WashU alumni in the Skandalaris Center’s holiday gift guide.

Congrats to this week’s winner, Rosalie Uchanski, an assistant professor at the School of Medicine, who will receive an “I Knew WashU” luggage tag!