Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022

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A look at ‘Katharina Grosse Studio Paintings’

“Color can appear anywhere,” Katharina Grosse said. “It is independent from any location.” Here, Grosse, one of Germany’s most celebrated artists, explores the nature of color, the visceral reactions it prompts and its power to override pictorial relationships and hierarchies.

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A look at ‘Katharina Grosse Studio Paintings’




Community discussions: medical school’s commitment to anti-racism

9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 15



Grand Challenges for Social Work: gender issue

12:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15



St. Louis Astronomical Society meeting: astrophotography

7:30–9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16

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WashU in the News

These factors increase the risk of kidney cancer


How America’s schools have changed since deadliest mass shooting at Sandy Hook

USA Today

Meet the teens lobbying to regulate social media

CBS News (60 Minutes)

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Campus and community news


‘My great-uncle, the kapo’

Flora Cassen, in the Department of Jewish, Islamic, and Middle Eastern Studies in Arts & Sciences, writes an article about a family member who survived the Holocaust by being a “kapo,” one of many who worked for the Nazis while imprisoned in the Polish concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.


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Who Knew WashU?

Question: In a season of gift giving, which of these products can you buy from a WashU entrepreneur?

A) Board games that accurately portray scientific concepts
B) Ultra-healthy breakfast foods made from chickpeas
C) Monthly customized fabric subscription boxes
D) All of the above

Submit your answer 

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