Friday, July 23, 2021
Top stories
A new fiber, made by genetically engineered bacteria in the lab of Fuzhong Zhang at the McKelvey School of Engineering, is stronger than steel and tougher than Kevlar. |
To help address gaps in measurement and provide organizations with a tool to track the self-reliance of refugees and other displaced populations over time, researchers at the Brown School have developed a Self-Reliance Index. |
Doctors from Washington University played a key role in bringing a multimillion-dollar radiation therapy machine to Guatemala City’s Instituto Nacional de Cáncerologia (National Cancer Institute), allowing more Guatemalans to receive cancer treatment.
Research from Hong Chen’s lab at the McKelvey School of Engineering highlights the interaction between MRI and focused ultrasound with microbubbles. |
Medical Campus leaders have chosen staff members to honor with service awards for their work and dedication during these two trying years of weathering the COVID-19 pandemic. |
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12:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 27 |
5–6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 28 |
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Campus and community news
Notables The Department of Cell Biology & Physiology at the School of Medicine has named Sheila Stewart, the Gerty Cori Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology, to the newly created position of vice chair. |
Notables Adia Harvey Wingfield, associate dean for faculty development and the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Arts & Sciences, is the 2021 recipient of the American Sociological Association’s Race, Gender and Class section’s Distinguished Career Award. |
Notables Washington University Dining Services received a gold 2020 Loyal E. Horton Dining Award from the National Association of College & University Food Services. Dining Services’ award-winning submission featured the Parkside Café in Schnuck Pavilion. |
“We still have time to implement policies that pull us back from the brink, but the window is closing. Without action, we will be remembered for debasing the environment so badly that it finally altered or eradicated even the toughest creatures in Earth’s history,” writes Michael Moore, a postdoctoral fellow with the university’s Living Earth Collaborative.
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In memoriam
Philosopher Carl Wellman, the Hortense and Tobias Lewin Distinguished University Professor Emeritus in the Humanities in Arts & Sciences, died of natural causes July 17 at St. Mary’s Hospital in St. Louis. He was 94. |