Friday, April 16, 2021
Top stories
The Class of 2020 will be back on campus for in-person Commencement ceremonies May 30. Julie L. Gerberding, MD, the first woman to serve as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will deliver the address, Chancellor Andrew D. Martin announced. |
Welcome to Class Acts, a celebration of remarkable graduating students. In our first installment, Class Acts showcases three incredible makers — pop-up market founder Noor Bekhiet, engineer Alex Levy and artist Erin Lewis. |
More than 20 years after the launch of a landmark clinical trial led by the School of Medicine’s Michael A. Kass, MD, follow-up exams and analyses found that not all patients with elevated eye pressure need pressure-lowering treatment to prevent vision loss from glaucoma. |
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Campus and community news
Notables Anthony Odibo, MD, an internationally respected maternal-fetal medicine expert, has been named director of the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Ultrasound in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the School of Medicine. |
Research Wire Abhinav Jha, assistant professor at the McKelvey School of Engineering, has received a four-year $1.83 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He will develop a new framework to evaluate quantitative imaging methods and help doctors make better decisions. |
Announcements The Sustainability and Information Security offices will hold electronic waste recycling drives and confidential paper shredding services on the Danforth and Medical campuses. The Danforth event is Tuesday, April 20; the medical school event will follow April 27. |
Historic preservation scholar Michael Allen, lecturer in Arts & Sciences and the Sam Fox School, offers a review on the “Human Ties” blog of the book “Stop Saving the Planet” by historian and Sam Fox research fellow Jenny Price.
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Who Knew WashU? Question: Irish rock band U2 performed in St. Louis for the first time 40 years ago this month. Where did the band play in 1981?
B) On April 7, 1981, U2 — hired for $750 — performed to a capacity crowd at Graham Chapel, playing songs off their newly released album “Boy.” Read about the many famous musical acts who have played on campus.
Congrats to this week’s winner, Brian Bergstrom, lecturer in Arts & Sciences, who will receive an “I Knew WashU” luggage tag!
In memoriam
Larry J. Johnson, a radiation safety specialist for decades in the university’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety, died of a heart attack at his home in St. Louis on April 2. He was 68. Services will be held Saturday, April 17. |