Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Top stories
Wearing masks, social distancing and frequent hand-washing have kept in-school COVID-19 transmission low, according to a pilot study in Missouri aimed at identifying ways to keep schools safe during the pandemic. The study is part of a larger collaboration involving the School of Medicine. |
The MyDay program, the multiyear effort to modernize how the university collects, manages and analyzes its data, reached a key milestone early this year. Testing was completed for Workday. The project team is now gearing up for training and helping the university community prepare for this change. |
The School of Medicine’s 105 physicians-to-be on March 19 participated in celebrations for Match Day, the momentous milestone when U.S. medical students learn where they will train as residents after graduation. |
The lab of Quing Zhu at the McKelvey School of Engineering has developed an imaging system that helps differentiate residual cancerous tissue from recovered healthy tissue after treatment in patients with rectal cancer, the third-most common cancer type in the U.S. |
Neuroscientist Jeffrey M. Zacks, professor in Arts & Sciences and at the School of Medicine, explains in this video why we have such a difficult time with exponential growth and how to make its presentation easier to understand. |
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7 p.m. Wednesday, March 24 |
4 p.m. Thursday, March 25 |
7 p.m. Thursday, March 25 |
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Campus and community news
Notables More than a dozen faculty, students and alumni from the Sam Fox School will take part in “Expanding the View: Prospect(s) for Architectural Education Futures,” the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s 109th annual meeting. The conference is being held virtually today through Friday, March 26. |
Notables Farshid Guilak, the Mildred B. Simon Research Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and co-director of the university’s Center of Regenerative Medicine, has received the 2021 Elizabeth Winston Lanier Kappa Delta Award for his research involving the treatment of arthritic joints. |
Sociologist Jake Rosenfeld, in Arts & Sciences, writes an op-ed explaining the research in his new book, “You’re Paid What You’re Worth,” saying that few workers’ salaries are based on their individual job performance.
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In memoriam
Palghat (P.A.) Ramachandran, professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering, died in his sleep March 18 of natural causes. He was 75. |