At the virtual vigil “Ring Their Names,” Adrienne Davis, vice provost and the William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law, urged faculty, students and staff to direct their energy, intellect and resources to achieve racial equity.
Suppression of the spread of COVID-19 is an attainable goal, and it can be done through strategies that ease social distancing guidelines, suggests a new model developed by researchers at Washington University and the Brookings Institution.
More than 100 School of Medicine students have been volunteering to help local health departments perform case investigations and contact tracing, essential public health strategies to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Researchers at the university and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found that genes that confer the power to destroy tetracyclines are widespread in bacteria that live in the soil and on people.
How can Christians live faithfully while respecting those whose beliefs are radically different? In his latest book, “Uncommon Ground,” scholar John Inazu says we must start by being comfortable with our own beliefs.
Even if sports stadiums light up anew soon, they won’t look the same. Sports business expert Patrick Rishe doesn’t expect the NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball to welcome fans if or when games return in 2020.
Registration for Equalize 2020, a first-of-its-kind pitch competition designed to showcase female faculty startup founders, is underway. The event takes place June 25 via Zoom.
This spring, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, 76 musicians from ensembles representing all seven schools joined forces for the Chancellor’s Concert, celebrating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth by remotely recording an excerpt from his 1808 “Choral Fantasy.”
Carey-Ann D. Burnham, professor of pathology and immunology at the School of Medicine, has received the Award for Research and Leadership in Clinical Microbiology from the American Society for Microbiology.
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