The Record

News for the Washington University Campuses & Community
Straight from The Source

Monday, Jan. 28, 2019

Top Stories

New hope for stem cell approach to treating diabetes

By tweaking the recipe for coaxing human stem cells into insulin-secreting beta cells, School of Medicine researchers have shown that the resulting cells are more responsive to fluctuating glucose levels. The finding may lead to a new approach to treating diabetes.

Study: Live in the moment, don’t selfie or snap it

If an event is otherwise highly enjoyable, pausing to take photos will detract from that engagement and enjoyment — and potentially affect the business visited, according to research by a team that included Olin Business School’s Robyn LeBoeuf.

New strategy may curtail spread of antibiotic resistance

Researchers at the School of Medicine have figured out a key step in the transmission of antibiotic resistance from one bacterium to another. Their insight suggests a new strategy for stopping the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Communities most in need don’t get tobacco restrictions, study finds

U.S. communities with higher smoking rates or lower excise taxes were less likely to adopt retail policies restricting tobacco sales, according to new research from the Brown School.

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11:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 28

Controlling pathogens in plumbing

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WashU in the News

Scientists identified a protein in the blood that could predict Alzheimer’s


Looking to 2020, Democrats take on prescription drug prices

CNN | Kaiser Health News

Scientists use bacterial membrane for water filtration

The Week | PTI (India)

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James C. Fetterman, Sam Fox School senior lecturer, 68

James Fetterman photoJames (Jim) C. Fetterman, senior lecturer in landscape architecture at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, died at home Jan. 19. He was 68. Fetterman was an influential figure in St. Louis landscape design for more than 40 years.

Campus Voices

Arvidson discusses Mars Opportunity rover’s 15-year anniversary

When it launched in 2004, NASA expected the Mars Opportunity rover to last for 92 days. Last week marked its 15th anniversary. Raymond Arvidson, of Arts & Sciences, is deputy principal investigator for the rover. He told HEC-TV that NASA never imagined Opportunity could last for more than a few months on the red planet.

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Carl Bender, the Konneker Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics in Arts & Sciences, has received a Humboldt Research Award. The award is given to academics whose fundamental discoveries, theories or insights had a significant impact and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements.

Tim McBride, the Bernard Becker Professor at the Brown School, will begin a part-time contract appointment within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as assistant secretary for planning and evaluation in the Office of Health Policy.

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