Three organizations on two continents are working to help endangered colobus monkeys. A seed grant from the Living Earth Collaborative, a center for biodiversity that includes Washington University, supports the effort.
Researchers at the School of Medicine and at Northwestern have developed an implantable, biodegradable device that helps speed recovery of peripheral nerve damage in rats by stimulating injured nerves with electricity.
The Washington University Transgender Center helps children and adolescents who identify as a gender different from the sex they were assigned at birth. Doctors stress thoughtful medical management and integrated mental health support.
Classics scholar Timothy Moore, in Arts & Sciences, discusses the importance of music in ancient Greek and Roman theater productions, an element often lost in modern-day readings of classic plays, on the Center for the Humanities website. He is working on a book and a website to help give such works their full context.
Mary E. Klingensmith, MD, the Mary Culver Distinguished Professor and vice chair for education in the Department of Surgery at the School of Medicine, has been named the inaugural director of the school’s Academy of Health Professions Educators.
Abhinav Jha, assistant professor at the School of Engineering & Applied Science and at the School of Medicine, has received a two-year, $430,000 Trailblazer Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)‘s National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering.
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