In an effort to boost conversation and collaborative options regarding energy choices and their many impacts, university leaders recently held two international forums, in New Delhi and Taipei, to address the challenges.
Using cells from children diagnosed with primary ciliary dyskinesia, a genetic lung disease, School of Medicine physician-scientists have figured out how mutations disrupt the clearing of the airways.
WashU Spaces visits the office of James Kolker, university architect and associate vice chancellor. Kolker shares his vision for the east end, why he loves the bunny and his first reaction to the campus’ rosy hue.
The 2018 Women in Innovation and Technology symposium will be held Feb. 27 at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. The symposium is open to all, but RSVPs are requested.
Misty Good, MD, of the School of Medicine, has been named to the Scientific Advisory Council of the Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Society. The nonprofit aims to reduce cases of NEC, a potentially fatal intestinal disease in premature newborns.
Harry Chatters Taylor, doctoral student at the Brown School, received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a project titled “Risk Factors for Social Isolation Among African-American Older Adults.”
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