The chancellor search committee is eager to hear feedback from members of the university community. The committee will hold listening sessions for Danforth Campus faculty, students and staff Nov. 29 and Dec. 4 and 5. Medical Campus listening sessions will be held early next year.
When you are out in the woods, your brain needs to quickly process what is making a sound. Biomedical engineer Dennis Barbour, MD, PhD, has published research offering a new interpretation for an old observation on processing sound.
The legacy of sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson will be revisited in a new annual lecture at the Brown School. Leonore Tiefer will give the inaugural lecture at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, Nov. 14, in Hillman Hall’s Clark-Fox Forum.
The Office of Sustainability has a goal of reaching 100 certified Green Offices by the end of 2017. Certify your office by Wednesday, Nov. 15, for a raffle entry to win an office prize.
Psychologist Lori Markson, of Arts & Sciences, discusses research on how optimism works in babies and young children, and in turn what that means for adults’ expectations, in a “Big Think” video.
Lisa Braun, assistant vice chancellor and associate general counsel at Washington University, has won an In-House Counsel of the Year Award from Missouri Lawyers Media. Braun is also a 1988 graduate of the School of Law.
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